You can’t sustain your therapy practice without marketing online. Part of that strategy requires building your content, not just for your website but also for your blog. With blogging, you get more opportunities to acquire new clients since statistics show that blogs get 67 percent more leads, they get 97 percent more links to websites, and they are the fifth most trusted source for information.

So when you blog, not only will you be able to get more clients but you will also establish your authority in the field. As a professional counsellor or psychotherapist, building authority is key to earning credibility in the industry. This can do more than simply sustain your private practice.

But how do you come up with blog content ideas? You might get enough steam going for your first few posts but down the line, you may start to struggle with what to write. Try these seven quick ideas for generating fresh and engaging content for your blog.

1. Subscribe to sources that relate to your field

From Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Hypnotherapy, every specialty has its selection of online sources. Subscribe to these websites and stay on top of research trends, new techniques, and recent developments in your field of expertise. You’ll be able to come up with fresh ideas for your blog when you’re up-to-date.

2. Write about a recent enquiry you came across on your blog

Sometimes, the best blog ideas can come from your readers. Take a look at recent comments and enquiries. Find ones that have the potential for deeper explanation. Make notes for every interesting enquiry and determine new information or new perspectives you can offer.

3. Write about certain questions that always seem to come up during sessions

Different clients may ask you the same sort of questions sometimes. Aside from addressing those in the sanctity of the therapy room, why not talk about your answers in a blog post? Some of your readers may be wondering about the same sort of things, and addressing them could raise engagement — even shares.

4. Talk about varying resources that will help your readers

It could be something as intricate as a new treatment or as simple as a new book. Your blog content does not always have to be too serious. It should be light or fun at times. You can do a basic review of a new book that relates to your field of expertise. Or you can even list the top 10 movies that may benefit your readers.

5. Read the papers, watch the news

Mainstream media can provide multiple ideas for your blog. Stay informed and you will never run out of topics — timely, at that — to write.

6. Know the concerns and problems your readers or audience struggle with on a daily basis

As a registered counsellor or psychotherapist, your aim is to reach out to people who might not feel too comfortable talking about their problems with a therapist. Your blog can serve as the first step toward getting the help most people need. Address emotional issues, traumatic events, and other problems with every blog post. Then add a button that will allow readers to quickly and easily send an email enquiry to you.

7. Show — don’t just “tell”

Finally, the most effective content marketing strategy will include multimedia. You don’t always have to write your blog posts — you can shoot a video and get more traffic. You can even redo old blog posts as videos and add new information.