Gestalt therapy is an effective and powerful relational therapy that helps clients raise their awareness about how they are in the world so they can self-regulate and move towards health. Gestalt therapy is also synonymous with the ’empty chair’ technique made famous by Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy. However Gestalt therapy is much more…

As a therapist in private practice, you’re probably not excited when it comes time to do your bookkeeping and accounting. You came into this field because you love working with clients and changing people’s lives and likely don’t have a background in finance or economics. However, if you don’t stay on top of your numbers, your…

This article is by Kat Love, website designer at I live, breathe, and sleep therapy website design, not only because I help solo and group practices plan, design, and code websites for a living, but because I am deeply passionate about helping psychotherapists. About ten years ago, I started learning website design and development…

Website design is one of those fields that is in constant flux. What was cool and cutting edge in design two years ago is now obsolete and out of fashion. And when it comes to websites for therapists, it’s critical your website reflects current trends so your professional face to the world looks up-to-date and…

You can’t sustain your therapy practice without marketing online. Part of that strategy requires building your content, not just for your website but also for your blog. With blogging, you get more opportunities to acquire new clients since statistics show that blogs get 67 percent more leads, they get 97 percent more links to websites,…

Most psychotherapists today will agree it’s essential to include the client’s body in the therapeutic process for therapy to be effective. The mind-body connection has been reinforced by emerging research over the last decade, which shows the mind and body are inseparable when it comes to how we operate as human beings. Hakomi therapy, which…

Picture this. You’ve just finished seeing your final client for the day. Your client has left your office with a smile on her face and you’re basking in the glow while reflecting on the great work you did together and the progress your client is making. You love this work and wouldn’t want to do…

Online therapy refers to a wide range of therapy services that are provided by therapists to clients that are sometimes thousands of kilometers apart, thanks to the power of the Internet. But online therapy is a potential minefield with lots of ethical issues that can arise with practitioners that are providing online therapy without specific training or knowledge…